Coupled Magnetic-Elastic Topology Optimization

Magnetoactive elastomer (MAE) devices are magnetic particle-filled polymer matrices that can be programmed for specific actuations and controlled remotely by an external magnetic field. They garner considerable research interest as an emerging technology for actuators in soft robots or in applications restricting direct physical contact. Topology optimization can help to generate MAE devices with superior performance compared to a nominal case when subject to a magnetic field. Using an optimization scheme that considers both the magnetic and mechanical properties of the material, the shape and material composition of the device can be tuned to best achieve the desired objective. MAEs have mechanical properties dependent on the volume fraction of particles inside the elastomer matrix, directly relating magnetic susceptibility and stiffness. MAE devices subject to a magnetic field versus topology optimized cases are simulated to compare the desired objectives and energy transduction efficiency.


 Figure 1: Magnetic flux density with field lines inside a topology optimized domain.
Figure 2: Optimized magnetic material distribution with magnetic material (red) and nonmagnetic material/void (blue).